anabella wewer

mosaics • jewelry


Thanks for your interest in my workshops!

Sign up for my mailing list if you’d like to be notified of newly scheduled workshops as well as visiting artist workshops first!

These are the currently scheduled workshops:

August 19 & 20, 2024
Hammer and hardie & andamento principles
Camp Bella Soul, Acton, ME
All the basics, with plenty of practice!
Full details and sign up!
August 21-23, 2024
Advanced andamento a.k.a.The Language of Mosaic
Camp Bella Soul, Acton, ME
View all details!

If you can’t attend a live workshop, or prefer online learning, my Mosaic Arts Online courses are always available! Though I can’t stand next to you and correct your posture, and address your specific questions, the content is largely the same (minus a few special tips and tricks reserved for my in-person students), and you can watch and re-watch over and over!

Modern mosaic using classical andamento Classical Andamento in Modern Mosaics All of the principles of andamento explained -- the how and why of each and how to apply them -- with a taster of drawing andamenti and a hammer & hardie primer.
Andamento: The Language of Mosaic The grammar and language of andamento explained and explored. Do’s, don’ts, and how to break the rules without losing definition.
All About Smalti From how it's made to how to cut it, and the differences between the different foundries. It’s all in there!
Color Theory in Mosaic The not-so-secret interactions of color and how to effectively use color explained, with specifics for mosaicists.
Break it Down! Break it Down! How to cut (almost) anything with hammer & hardie From setting the hardie on the stump to posture and technique, and how it all affects your cuts. Includes demos on a variety of materials and some surprises!
Gradations Five Ways There's basic gradations: from light to dark and back, but there's so many details to consider! And then there's four other ways to make gradations, even with just two colors, or even one if you have the right material. It's one of my favorite things to do — make gradations — and in this course I show you exactly how I do it!